Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Where has all the fast food gone?

So, when did McDonald's officially cease to be fast food? i have been there twice to 2 different locations in the past 2 weeks, after approximately 8 months absence, and it was slower than my sit-down meal at Grapes the other night (which, fyi, was fabulous - chicken fingers to die for). i'm standing for 20 minutes to get fries and carbonated water - diet, of course! whassup wid dat?
Okay so the weirdest thing about being back at university after a 16 year absence is the fact that it doesn't feel weird at all. I feel like I've been doing this for the past year and a half, at least, and it's just normal routine for me. Shouldn't it feel just a little strange? Yes, you're right, it should. And I acknowledge that, which leads me to my conclusion that I belong in school. I think I shall just remain there. I quite like it, I'm fairly useful, doing well - I may as well make a career out of being a student. Now I remember why I decided, during my last University stint, that it would be necessary for me to be a prof at university. Really, that's what people do when there are no degrees left to take, but they don't want to go anywhere else - they stay and teach. I can't think of anything more natural or comfortable for me.

okay, so what else? Here's my latest conundrum - how does one up and write a 5 page piece of fiction? I think the short story concept somehow eludes me. i don't get it. it's either a story, in which case it'll likely take about 400 or so pages at the minimum, or it's a couple of paragraphs of thoughts or ideas. how will i fit an entire story into 5 pages? it'd be easier to write an operetta. which is a thought to ponder.

sigh. I miss you, Shirley, my friend.


Shirley said...

You were born to be in school. I have known that all along. So, shouldn't feel weird - it should feel like "coming home". I on the other hand was born to be at home. I just love this role reversal thing that we've got going here.

You were happier than I have seen you in a while at our last passing...

So jealous about the Grapes Chicken fingers.

Shirley said...

Was there honey dill involved?

Shirley said...