Monday, October 17, 2005

scooping stardust into sapphire studded satchels

see, now, that there? that's a-called alliteration. yep. just one 'o those high-falutin' things i'm learnin' over at the fancy u-ni-ver-si-ty, there. ah, my friend Shirley, as with all my thoughts it is but an exercise in creating discourse with you despite the great distance between us. seriously, should be writing my english essay due tomorrow. but i needed some info and needed a research log and i thought - now, henry (I sometimes call myself that), why dontcha jes' put that there log on that little talkie thing ya got on the com-pu-ter. thataways, ya gots somethin' ta say and people won't complain bout 'ya not sayin' nothin', and it ain't taking any more time than ya woulda spent anyhows.

maybe i'll go write that little thing and then come back and fill everyone in (that'd be you, Shirley-girl) on the mom thing and the school thing and the housing situation.

here i go to change the world of 19th century literature .... plus the baby's crying. sapphires and milk. that's my evening.

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