Friday, November 25, 2005

Ode to Shirley

Yes, Shirley - you were meant to stay at home, and you are making the world a better place by doing so. Your Superstore rages and jelly shoes doeth good as good medicine-eth. (The fish thing is a little creepy, but to each his own...) I, however, was meant to be away from home. Or, when at home, to be free to enjoy myself. Work and home do not mix well for me. Why then is there nothing to do, for me, at home but work!? Seriously, that's all I do. Work, sleep, shower. Sigh. I guess I'm starting to wonder - why am I even trying - okay trying is a strong term, how about - thinking about all this housework? I don't have time for this. And shouldn't I really be taking time to relax and enjoy my family and my home before taking time to scrub a toilet? Where are my priorities. Again, before you get too concerned for my well-being, I am only thinking about these chores thus far. I haven't been actually doing any housework. But it has been quite a stress on my mind.

In case I don't talk to you tomorrow, my dear friend, happy birthday! Of all the things God created - I like you best.

This week I've had a recital at University, 2 evening events, worship team practice, 2 birthday parties, meetings about mortgages and property and house building, a 600 page novel to read, a #@%*load of practicing to do and a 2500 word essay to start. And, you know, theory - well I can't even talk it about it. It's too fresh.

So this afternoon, I'm sitting here as if I have absolutely nothing going on. Forget the fact that I have 9 loads of laundry waiting to be done (I still have 2 pairs of underwear - no sweat), haven't washed anything in 2 months, my toddler is constipated because all she gets to eat is cheese and milk, and I have 1 1/2 weeks left until I write exams and receive, for the past 1/4 year of my life, a set of grades that will never change. No, today... today I sit. I sit and eat cake (birthday yesterday) and remember a friendship that has blessed my life more with each passing year since it began. Sniff.... its just too much.

Ahem, anyway - it's not all so dire. Mom's here. She does laundry before the girls have to go out in pj's and Steve's left going commando; she cooks when the kids cry loud enough; Emelia's 4 now so she can take over some of the cooking responsibilities. Really, we're doin' fine.

I really, really, really hope that by next fall we will be in a new house. I don't mean, crossing my fingers hope, but real expectant belief hope. I think we are going to build a house. A bungalow with everything we want in it. If we don't build, we will buy. But if God approves of our plans, we will be in a new house soon.

Well, it's been nice pretending I had free time. Now I have an hour before going back to school so I'd better get back to work (school work).

Bless you Shirley - we'll have some cake for you, too, at Em's birthday party tomorrow. It would have been nice to post this on your actual day, but - close enough? Love you - you're the greatest!


Shirley said...

My dearest friend... just three little words for you that mean so much and will solve all life's storms....

Hire A Maid. advice I have given all day.

I am SO GLAD you showed up on my blog. I was going to throw myself in front of a moving vehicle if I didn't hear from you soon.

And by the DO know that I am not the only one that reads your blog don't you?

Tia said...

What'd'ya mean?

Shirley said...

um...y''s available to the general public...the WORLD WIDE WEB. You never know who will show up.