So, today my dilemna is how to wake up in the mornings. This used to come naturally at one point in my life, but now it is a 4 hour battle. First off, I know I should go to bed earlier. But let's just imagine that at this juncture in time, with my husband working till 11 pm every night and major painting and vinyl-ing and housecleaning projects ongoing as we face the crunch of trying to sell our house ASAP, going to bed early isn't plausible. Regardless of when sleep phase is entered - it needs to be exited at 7 am. Kids can't get themselves off to school yet. Now I have been known to go back to bed and sleep until 11 am. But this takes a big chunk out of my potential productivity for the day. The problem is, after the kids go to school, I am still half asleep.
And I just lost the entire next paragraph due to finger malfunction. End of story - I'm so tired I ache and the need to sit (inevitably leading to sleep) is stronger than my conviction that I must work. So I'm looking for a way to trick myself into feeling more awake. Like I used to when I had to go to work. I just tripped and landed in the shower and instinct took over and by the time I was done - Voila! I was awake! But try convincing yourself to get up 15 minutes earlier to shower first thing when you don't have any time pressure in the morning. Maybe I should reward myself for waking up and showering before the girls are up. That actually sounds intriguing.
I understand this. I am useless in the mornings. The only thing that has ever caused me to be awake early is an emotional trauma that I wouldn't recommend.
SOMEtimes when I was able to be up at a decent hour, my day went so much better than when I had to play catch-up all day... that would make me more motivated to get up in the mornings... for about a week or so til it wore off :)
I hope you find something that works for you.
I say go for it and try rewarding yourself. Maybe it will work and think how much that could help. Anyways, thanks for the post!
It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to get up at 7 am. I'd be okay, I think, if I could sleep to be average 8:30 or 9:00 am. Then by 10:30 or 11:00 I'm ready to go. It just feels so much worse when I've been up since 7, and not ready to go until 11:00. Maybe I should homeschool.
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