Thursday, June 16, 2011

Emotional attachments

I am addicted to Starbucks blueberry scones. This isn't news to me, I am well aware. However, for the past 2 weeks I haven't been eating them, or much of anything else, due to a lot of gall bladder inflammation (read PAIN). But today I had one anyway, even though surgery is only a few days away. Surely I could say no to a scone for a few more days. But I could not say no, which led to the realization that I am emotionally attached to these scones. How does that even happen?

I think I've probably been forming these attachments most of my life. But as I think about it at this moment, when the simple fact is eating this thing could cause great pain, I am really confused as to how we get attached, emotionally, to food. I don't get attached to rocks or household objects. Why do I form these attachments to foods? How do I break them? What need are they meeting that I'm not aware of?

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