I suppose it isn't completely hopeless. There will be clean underwear tomorrow, which is a good thing. Husband is (once again, twice again?) out 3 nights out of 5 so we can get by on raw veggies and milk. But I have a dream. A dream where all family members can find socks and no one gets a concussion when they open the fridge door. A dream where I don't mistake my main floor for an episode of "Hoarders" and papers are not inexplicably eaten and digested never to be seen again.
Focus vs. organized house. Let's deconstruct this. Take away the focus, is the house organized? No. What happens when we add in the focus activity? House gets more disorganized. Is it wrong to move forward simply hoping this trend toward disorganization would eventually turn itself around? Or that maybe there could be a balance between focus and house? I need to decide this, because it means going back to university this fall or not.
Sounds like a fun week!
See ... I check and check and check ... nothing! I take a break and you sneak one in here:).
So, let's Analyze This ...
CMU - Glorious Focus and dirty underwear.
NO CMU - Life in a dryer.
I say go for Glorious Focus and teach the girls how to do laundry!
Yep, that works:).
Love ya lots, Mom
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