Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm thinking of starting a campaign to revert to the old name for ADD - Minimal Brain Dysfunction. Or, similarly, Minimal Brain Damage. I'm just not totally sold on the "Minimal" part yet.

This is day 2 of barely keeping it together. I seem to be experiencing almost total loss of brain function. Or at least the kind of functions that we've come to assume we can rely on in day-to-day life. I've been childless for 3 hours now. And all I've done, before starting this post, is sit and watch my mind jump here and there like I don't know what because I've lost the analogy I was going to use.

It's like my brain is moving so fast that it seems as if I'm standing still, but then suddenly I am somewhere else (thoughtwise) with no idea how I got there, and there's no time to try to rewind because, whoa, now I'm somewhere entirely different.

I've wasted yesterday and I cannot decide for the life of me what to do today. I have many things I could do - I just can't pick one.

So I think I'll do what I often do when I can't get anything done at home - go to the mall and spend some money. To give an example of how far I've come in managing my brain damage, I will point out that I am not going on a spree of indiscriminate spending. I am only spending money that has already been allotted on items I've already decided to purchase.

I can't stop my brain from going wherever it likes, but I can anticipate the destination and plan an intervention.


Miss,Megzz said...

I love you.

DJ said...

I wouldn't say Tuesday was wasted ... you got your family on task and we booked our holiday!
Thank you.
Wed - you did pick one! You went to the mall and purchased items you identified and budgeted for ... that's leaps and bounds ahead of some folks:) Brava!
You have a wonderful gift for word expression. I, for one, am moved and inspired by your writing.
Thank you for sharing.
And, I loved you first:)... and always, Mom