Monday, September 21, 2009


I am having this strange sensation, and I only just recognized what it is - it's hope! I don't know where it came from exactly, but that's what it is. It isn't like I've had some dramatic spiritual awakening. I've just started being more honest, and I guess along with that I've become more accepting - of the frailty of human beings, and of the sinful state of the world we live in, and, it follows, accepting of God's faithful love and grace. I was always kinda repulsed by my own sinfulness. I assume others would be repulsed as well. But somehow God is not repulsed. How did Christ draw near to the most unclean and degraded people around him? He honestly saw beyond their sinfulness to something more important. I don't end with my sinful nature; there's more to me than that. I think that's what God sees and I'm seeking to see that as well. And to see beyond others' sin and really be able to love them.

1 comment:

DJ said...

Isn't God wonderful?
He shows us how to love ourselves ... and our families:)