Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I have them! It's amazing!

A little context: Diagnosed a couple years ago with Bipolar Disorder. Had a variety of medications to manage this. Have recently reduced a couple of these medications and am now finding myself feeling all kinds of things - like joy and inspiration, and mischievousness, and adventurousness, and hope! I am a little worried about the possibility of this being a prolonged manic state. And I am ticked that I can't just be happy without worrying that me being happy equals crazy. But I've decided to enjoy feeling things again and hope that the feelings are a good sign for me and the future. I have read that the drugs I was on can be very numbing, so I hope I am simply shedding this mantle of numbness and reconnecting with the emotional side of myself.

1 comment:

Bailey said...

That sounds terrific!
I am jealous of your joy, inspiration, and hope, but I can't resent that because it is clear that you are treasuring them.