Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dimensional Displacement Study

Though I am not actually part of such a study, I feel I should be. I, in fact, feel I should be the focus of such a study. I seem to be shipwrecked in a concurrent dimension of reality, somehow straddling two realities. I am physically present in this one, but part of me is most definitely not here. I think some day this will become an important phenomena for someone to look at and so I've decided (at least for now) to chronicle this parallel existance. (Or maybe I am really, really stretched for something that will lend a sense of purpose to my days.)

Today I had 5 hours without children. I sat and stared (a lot, don't underestimate this), I wrestled with several schemes involving pop-tarts and chocolate, I read a 200 page magazine cover to cover, I napped, I put a couple of things away, I turned on my computer and read my email. Then I woke up. I had been trapped all day in this fog of boredom that I absolutely could not penetrate. I read an email that broke the boredom barrier and suddenly mind and body reunited and I became fully present in one dimension again. I don't now how long this unity will last or, more importantly, how to make this connection stable (kinda liking the Star Trek-wormhole analogy here). I wonder if I'm bored because my mind drifts off into another dimension or if it is the boredom itself that creates the schism.

I really don't tolerate boredom well. I wonder how many of my meds are made necessary by this extreme boredom. I know I sound like a pill popper, so there aren't that many, but for someone who didn't like to take tylenol, it feels like a lot. I did forget to take my ADD meds today, and that always leads to a lot of drifting in space.

So, tomorrow I will attempt to chronicle the experiences of an apparently-not-yet-middle-aged but hormonally challenged, attention deficit, artistically tempered, bi-polar semi-genius.

1 comment:

selina said...

We seem to have an awful lot in common, Tia. I only just discovered this post today as I seemed to be previously unaware of the archive links before this. I also didn't know about feeds. I'm slow but I'm learning. Your day without children sounds a lot like mine. Lots of freedom with no focus. I thought that kids going to school full time would mean me getting lots done. Not so at all. Just lots of wasted time and more chaos with an added helping of guilt.