Friday, February 02, 2007

Luke....I am your father

So I'm in the kitchen, scraping the porridge out of the pot, and I can hear this heavy disembodied breathing, like Darth Vader. I can hear it, this is not my imagination. I actually stop scraping and listen - still there. I look over my shoulder with that "I know Darth Vader is not in my kitchen but I can still hear him" kind of look. (I know you know what that feels like - creepy) For about 2 eternal seconds I ponder the incongruity of the situation and it comes to me that the loud oxygen-mask breathing is mine. My head is so stuffed up it feels like I am under water. My ears are buffered by an inch or two of fluid, I haven't taken breath through my nostrils for so many hours that I've adapted to a Darth Vader style of breathing for the sake of survival.

My girls are playing pirates. As I finish styling my hair (wow!) and decide to apply makeup (unbelievable!!) I listen to their pirate-y type talk. Batten the hatches! Hoist the midsail! Ahoy, me hearties! I'm the flower pirate! And I'm the minty pirate! And I realize that yes, there are definite gender differences. These pirates have beaded necklaces and sequined shoes. And right now, on their pirate ship, in between commands of "Steer! Steer - away from the whales!" they are having detailed discussions of the finer nuances of color - pink, not red, green like a forest not like a frog, etc. If only I could find my camera I'd have a great scrapbook page out of this. In fact, I shall go seek it momentarily.


Shirley said...

Hey Darth...sorry you're not well. I can SO RELATE. I myself am in a fog of flu and cold like symptoms. Too bad we weren't closer, or we could commiserate. Or maybe just recylcle the germs by breathing the same air, as Harv and I seem to be doing.

This little tale of your pirate girls made my day.

Becky said...

Ben calls Darth Vader, Darfagator...

So, hope you're feeling better soon Darfagator, and way to go on doing dishes, caring for children, taking pictures, planning scrapbook pages, and posting while sick... As Darfagator would say, "Impressive, most impressive..."

Shirley said...

Becky...I love it that you are commenting here. It's like my two worlds are coliding. Which somehow seems fitting with the Darth Vader theme. Not that the worlds collided...but you know what I mean. Not that I even know what I mean, because I have never seen any of the movies.

It just makes me happy.

Becky said...

You've never seen Star Wars? You are such a freak sometimes it scares me.

Also. Hi Tia!

Becky said...

Tia. Make Shirley watch your kids and write me a new post. Tell her she owes me some babysitting, and since she can't seem to get it together here in Yorkton you have my permission to redeem my "coupon" for me.

Jae said...

Ok Tia, I said I wouldn't bug you about posting a new blog, after all I was forwarned that you don't blog that often, but please? Can you post something?


Jae said...

(in my best james earl jones voice) Tia..... I am your sister.

K, gotta go.
