Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It's funny how i approach this blog as I do everyone else's, with some sort of expectation that something might be different today. I don't know who I think would be logging on to make changes while I'm off-line. Maybe I think my other personalities might start blogging thus giving some insight into my "lost-time" episodes and other unexplainable personality glitches. I think on some level we all wish we had multiple personalities. Integration is tough, man. It's tough.

So I'm feeling fairly accomplished this afternoon. This morning I had 6 children 5 yrs. and under in my care for 3 hours and we all survived. I think there should be some sort of formal recognition for this kind of thing. It's like some sort of "trial-by-fire" or something. Shouldn't I get a pin, or a sticker or something? Nah - I get the satisfaction of helping out a friend, which was what I wanted out of doing it anyway.

So - the topic of the year in this house continues to be - money!! I'm so sick of talking about money. My husband and I tried to articulate what each of our biggest concerns was regarding our money. He said he's come to understand that we have very different styles of managing money. I know what he really thinks is that I am a financial stump and think money just falls out of the sky from above me somewhere, but I applaud his restraint and tact in choosing nicer words. I don't think I was equally diplomatic. I think I said he justs wants to hoard his money so he can dream about spending it. The more you hoard, the bigger you can dream. Eventually he will dream us onto a Caribbean cruise and a houseboat in the Shushwap, a big house in the country and a BMW roadster to play with. I, however, will be cold because I have no winter jacket, bored because we can't get cable or satellite or something, and sitting on the floor for want of living room furniture!! I guess dreams are easier to take when you have a job that pays for your clothes and new vehicle and trips to fancy resorts in exotic locations. I wonder how I'll feel if my husband ever asks to read my blog. That's probably one of those foresight things. Oh well.

I guess, since my job doesn't have those perks, I'm going to have to be really clear about what I want and make it happen. Man - I've been way too easy-going all my life! I gotta get a little more demanding. Don't you think? That's not so bad, is it? Cause if that's not reasonable, you know, I'm okay without those things. I mean, really, I'm fine. It was just a thought.


Shirley said...

Funniest person I know. Seriously. You are the funniest person I know. And by the way I totally agree...stand up for what you want - you are way too easy going.

I would rather live in a cardboard box feeling fulfilled, happy and comfortable than be rich and miserable, hoarding my money, standing in a dark, cold living room all to save a few cents on heating, hydro and furniture. That is hypothetically speaking of coarse.

And by the way...best not give the hubby the blog address...we'll both be in trouble then! :)

Shirley said...

So glad you are blogging.

Tia said...

That is so true! The shivering and the icy hands and the discomfort of it all. Boy it's a good thing I'm not in a gulag somewhere - I'm kind of a suck.

Tia said...

Miss you so much.